The Graduate School of BISCAST provides excellence and quality education for life-long learners in creating information and knowledge, strengthening the skills and nurturing the character and values of future leaders and professionals.
College Description
The Graduate School of BISCAST provides excellence and quality education for life-long learners in creating information and knowledge, strengthening the skills and nurturing the character and values of future leaders and professionals.
College Goals
The BISCAST Graduate School aims to be the Center of Excellence in Graduate Education which places premium on the search for truth, solution for social, technical and industrial problems, and the development of highly trained graduates who sill provide leadership in their respective fields. it also aims to strengthen the research culture of the academic community in the fields of science, engineering and technology together with the arts, social sciences and humanities.
Jake M. Laguador, EdD, PhD
Dean, Graduate School
College Faculty & Staff
Doctor of Education in Language Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education
Doctor of Education in Science Education
Master of Arts in Teaching major in Technology and Livelihood Education with specialization in Home Economics
Master of Engineering
Master of Arts in Education major in: English Language Teaching, Mathematics and Science
Leizel R. Detera – Graduate School Staff
Programs Offered
Major in English Language Teaching
The program is designed to develop the skills and competence of students in the teaching of English Language. It also provides venue for advance learning in language that enhances English teachers professionally by exposing them to the latest development in language teaching, Students are ushered to become effective in teaching and research.
Major in Mathematics
The program aims to develop further the education of professionals in the application of mathematical and scientific theories and principles as they engage themselves in various educational endeavors and challenges in the industry, local, national and international communities, the program shall offer advanced research and management cases that may enhance students' skills apart from their technical expertise. It is designed to integrate the theories with project-based research and actual modelling programs.
Major in Science
The program is designed for teachers in basic and higher education institutions with major area in general sciences. The knowledge and advance understanding acquired from various fields of biological sciences, physical science, and earth science can be applied in the teaching of sciences, further, students will learn how to utilize emerging technologies and developing instructional strategies in science education context.
Major in: Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) with specialization in Home Economics
This program is commonly known as family and consumer sciences which focuses on understanding daily issues and imprving aspects of life that impact individual, families, and communities, such as relationship, shelter, clothing, and nutrition. The student could be able to develop knowledge and skills on Dress Design and Construction, Home Management, Food Service Operations and Management, and Commercial Arts and Handicraft.
The Master of Engineering emphasizes on the application of theories and methods to actual problems in industry, society and academe. It is designed to develop the engineering professionals' expertise in their field of specialization. It fosters creativity and innovativeness for the improvement of engineering practice and advancement of socially-responsive technology.
This program in Language Education provides intensive and advanced preparation for Language teachers, geared towards intensive research in the field of language education. This likewise prepares the students to build a career as university researchers, Language curriculum specialists in governmental and non-profit educational organizations, or language teacher educators in post-secondary school systems. The degree provides rich preparation by exposing them to a wide variety of experiences related to fundamental theories and concepts associated with education, as well as current issues and trends in teaching and learning language. The graduate program in education leads to both a broad and a deep scholarly knowledge of language education, with an emphasis on the production of new knowledge within the profession and help them acquire skills for research. A well-balanced emphasis on theory and application is maintained throughout the programs.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education program is a research-based program that primarily fosters collaboration for research and teaching in diverse educational settings. Specifically, the program aims to promote mathematics education by producing highly qualified mathematics practitioners and educational leaders whose academic work leads to developing a new and growing body of knowledge.
The Doctor of Education in Science Education (Ed.D. Science Education) is a three-year graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge and competencies obtained from a graduate teacher education program. At the doctorate level, the program aims to develop researchers, leaders, and practitioners who have expert level of theoretical knowledge in science education and have the competence and motivation to draw from expert-level knowledge to understand and solve different problems related to education in general and science education in particular; and have the competence to undertake advanced independent research in science education as well as leadership and management in innovating science programs.
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